課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2009-09-28
截止報名日期 : To be Advised
BA Honours Accounting and Finance (With ACCA, ICAEW & IFPHK exemptions)
學院名稱 : 香港公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院
合辦機構 : The Middlesex University
課程類型 : 金融/會計
獲取學歷 : 學士
修讀為期 : 3 years / 2 years
學費 : HK$58,000/year (by 2 installments of HK$29,000)
入學要求 : Entry Requirements for Year 1:
• Graduates of Form 7; or
• Diploma holders in accounting and finance related disciplines of recognised tertiary education institutions; or
• Graduates of Pre-Associate Degree of recognised tertiary education institutions; or
• Holders of equivalent qualifications.

Entry Requirements for Year 2:
• Graduates of LiPACE’s FTD34 Advanced Diploma in Accounting; or
• Associate Degree or Higher/Advanced/Professional Diploma holders in accounting and finance related disciplines of recognised tertiary education institutions; or
• Holders of equivalent qualifications.

English Requirements for Entry to both Year 1 and Year 2:
• Grade D / Level 3 in HKCEE; or
• Grade E in HKALE; or
• Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or
• Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (Internet-based) in TOEFL; or
• Grade C or above in GCSE; or
• Equivalent.

Mathematics Requirements for Entry to both Year 1 and Year 2:
• Grade E / Level 2 in HKCEE; or
• Equivalent.
課程內容 : The programme aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the conceptual and practical aspects of accounting and finance, and to help students develop critical and analytical problem-solving skills and apply these to the real business environment. Students are also expected to develop core skills in computer literacy, numeracy, written and oral communication and teamwork. It is expected with solid background and knowledge of accounting and finance, graduates of this programme will have a prosperous employment and future role in the profession.

- University English I
- University English II
- University English III
- English Summer Course (at London campus)(Optional)
- Business Communication
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Finance
- Quantitative Methods for Financial Business
- Economic Environment
- Advanced Financial Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Law for Accountants
- Financial Mathematics
- Financial Accounting Theory
- Taxation
- Finance
- Auditing
- Lifelong Learning Seminars

This programme is accredited by The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Graduates who have successfully completed the required subjects can get exemptions of maximum 9 papers from ACCA and maximum 6 papers from ICAEW (Please refer to the following table for details). Students who have successfully completed Finance ACC3130 may also get the exemption of Module 3: Investments in the Registered CFPCM Certification Education Programme of Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK).

相關網址 : www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/BAAF
相關檔案下載: 按此下載
查詢電郵 : lipace_nlp@ouhk.edu.hk
電話號碼 : 3120 9988 (1-1-2) / 3120 9933
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