課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2009-11-14
截止報名日期 : 2009-11-14
Master of Science in Marketing & Management
學院名稱 : RDI Management Learning
合辦機構 : University of Bradford
課程類型 : 營銷/市場學
獲取學歷 : 碩士
修讀為期 : 18 months
學費 : HK$100,440
入學要求 : • Bachelor’s degree from a recognised
University; or a professional qualification
• Welcome applications from fresh graduates,
supervisors, team leaders, marketing and
sales executives, finance executives, newly
appointed managers
• Applications from experienced individuals
are welcomed
• Candidates without appropriate qualifications
will be considered case by case and may be
invited to take the Bradford Admission test
課程內容 : The MSc in Marketing and Management will
enable you to understand the role of marketing
in today’s rapidly changing business world and
to identify opportunities in the marketplace.
It explores ways in which new customers can be
won and existing ones kept.
The programme takes on an international
approach and its content and teaching methods
reflect the latest thinking and research in
marketing education and practice.
You will emerge from the programme with:
• A clear understanding of the concept and
role of marketing
• Knowledge of the key marketing functions
and of how and when they can most
effectively be used
• A wide range of management skills and
techniques for creative thinking, problem solving and decision making
• Good communication, negotiation,
leadership and teamwork skills
• An international perspective on business and
marketing activities.
相關網址 : http://www.rdihongkong.com/tchi/Bradford_MA.php
查詢電郵 : info@rdihongkong.com
電話號碼 : +852 29920133
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