課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2010-01-31
截止報名日期 : 2010-01-15
Diploma in Management
學院名稱 : RDI Management Learning
合辦機構 : University of Wales
課程類型 : 工商管理
獲取學歷 : 文憑
修讀為期 : 9 Months
學費 : HK$31,080
入學要求 : Entry to the Diploma in Management is
available for all those who can demonstrate
that they will benefit from it. Candidates should
be able to demonstrate the ability to learn
at this level through the possession o prior
qualifications or experience. The programme is
however designed to meet the needs of middle
managers and as such demands the ability to
relate learning to the workplace. Candidates will
therefore normally be practicing managers or
have recent relevant experience.
課程內容 : This course caters for the needs of working
middle managers in many different types
of organisation. It will provide you with an
opportunity to develop a range of skills which
can be applied in the workplace to aid the
development of you and your business.
相關網址 : http://www.rdihongkong.com/landing_pages/Wales-Dip-Mgmt-tchi.html
查詢電郵 : info@rdihongkong.com
電話號碼 : +852 29920133
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