課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2010-01-31
截止報名日期 : 2010-01-15
Bachelor of Scince (Honours) Psychology
學院名稱 : RDI Management Learning
合辦機構 : University of Derby
課程類型 : 心理/輔導
獲取學歷 : 學士
修讀為期 : 3 Years
學費 : HK$211,920
入學要求 : • A Level psychology is not compulsory but is
• English ability equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.5,
where the medium of undergraduate study was not
• Applications by people without these qualifications
are considered on an individual basis.
課程內容 : The University of Derby BSc (Hons) Psychology
is currently the only online psychology
degree programme accredited by the British
Psychological Society (BPS).
This programme will introduce you to the
theories and methods of psychology so you’ll
gain a detailed knowledge of this fascinating
subject. The course is recognised by the British
Psychological Society and provides the graduate
basis for registration as the first step towards
being a chartered psychologist. In addition
to eligibility for postgraduate training as a
professional psychologist, you would also leave
the course with good communication and IT
skills and a sound understanding of behavioural
research - a useful combination for a variety of
subsequent careers.
Overseas candidates should note that the BPS
accreditation does not automatically apply to
students who are studying outside of the UK.
They will need to apply for graduate basis for
registration on an individual basis.
相關網址 : http://www.rdihongkong.com/tchi/Derby_BSc_Applied_Psychology_BPS.php
查詢電郵 : info@rdihongkong.com
電話號碼 : +852 29920133
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