課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2010-08-03
截止報名日期 : 2010-08-03
Computerised Accounting MYOB (Level 2) 電腦會計 - MYOB (Level 2)
學院名稱 : YMCA College of Careers
課程類型 : 金融/會計
獲取學歷 : 證書
修讀為期 : 2Month(s)
學費 : 1500
入學要求 : 須修畢中級簿記及會計課程
課程內容 : 本課程根據LCCI Computerised Accounting Level 2 之內容教授,學員完成課程後可報考相關之公開考試,以獲取認可資格。

1.Company Data Files
- Set up the data file and chart of accounts for a sole trader

2.Chart of Accounts
- Create, edit and delete accounts
- Generate the company’s chart of accounts

3.Cash Books
- Record
- Reconcile the balance between the bank statement and the cash books

4.General Ledger
- Set up fixed assets and depreciation accounts
- Record the journal entries for depreciation

5.Sales Ledger
- Create new customers and enter customer information
- Set up payment terms and credit limits for each customer
- Create sales invoices
- Record customers’ payments details

6.Purchases Ledger
- Set up payment terms for each vendor
- Create purchase new vendors, enter vendor information and orders
- Enter payments details

- Create item codes and enter item details
- Generate stock reports

8.Reports and File Maintenance
- Back up the data file
相關網址 : http://www.ymca.org.hk
聯絡人 : ---
查詢電郵 : cockln@ymca.org.hk
電話號碼 : 27833500 / 27833509
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