課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2010-07-19
截止報名日期 : 2010-06-20
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
學院名稱 : 動向教育拓展機構
合辦機構 : 澳洲南昆士蘭大學
課程類型 : 工商管理
獲取學歷 : 學士
修讀為期 : 2-3YEARS(full time) 4-5 years(part time)
學費 : The tuition fee for each unit/credit is HKD $7500.00 (24 units)
入學要求 : *Successful completion of the USQ UNIPREP Program; or
HKALE A-Levels or GCE A-Levels; or

*Successful completion of a Diploma/ Advanced Diploma/ Higher Certificate/ Certificate in the business, finance, accounting, finance, IT fields or its equivalent; or

*Students who are aged 21 or above can apply as a mature entry student into BBA Programs

English language proficiency requirements:
•TOEFL 550 or above; or
•IELTS 6.0 or above with no sub score less than 5.5; or
•HKALE English Grade E or above; or
•GCE O Level Grade C or above

Candidates for admission to the BBA program may be eligible for up to 12 units of exemption on the basis of successful completion of relevant, equivalent tertiary or undergraduate study from a recognized university or institution offering equivalent study. Exemptions approved in this program will not automatically apply to other programs offered by USQ.
課程內容 : Students can choose to specialise in Finance, Management and Leadership, Marketing, and Human Resource Management. This program is a generalist degree aimed at equipping students with a broad understanding of how organisations operate in different environmental contexts, private, and public. It exposes students to a wide range of issues and challenges faced by managers as they strive to make organisations successful, sustainable and responsible stakeholders in society. Students develop relevant conceptual, analytical, functional, and operational capabilities to equip them to confidently address a range of organisational and managerial challenges in contemporary organisations.
相關網址 : www.usq.edu.au
相關檔案下載: 按此下載
聯絡人 : Issac Lee
查詢電郵 : info@ezlearning.edu.hk
電話號碼 : 23144688
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