課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2010-01-31
截止報名日期 : 2010-01-15
Advanced Professional Diploma in Management Studies
學院名稱 : RDI Management Learning
合辦機構 : Edexcel
課程類型 : 工商管理
獲取學歷 : 深造文憑
修讀為期 : 1 Year
學費 : HK$41,850 + Registration Fee £199
入學要求 : To gain entry to the BTEC DMS you should
possess an Edexcel BTEC Certificate in
Management, a first Degree, or another
appropriate professional qualification. Or
experience of working in a management
課程內容 : The BTEC Advanced Professional Diploma in
Management Studies is intended primarily for
those who are working in or aspire to work in
management. This course is ideal for those who
are practising first-line managers who wish
to make a career in management at this level.
It focuses on underpinning knowledge and
practical skills and will provide you with the
opportunity to preserve and build on existing
good practice.

The BTEC DMS can be studied as a stand-alone
programme or as the first year of the University
of Sunderland MBA programme.
相關網址 : http://www.rdihongkong.com/tchi/BTEC_HND_DMS.php
查詢電郵 : info@rdihongkong.com
電話號碼 : +852 29920133
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