課 程 資 料
開課日期     :     2010-01-31
截止報名日期 : 2010-01-15
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Computing
學院名稱 : RDI Management Learning
合辦機構 : Teesside University
課程類型 : 資訊科技/工程
獲取學歷 : 學士
修讀為期 : 1 Year
學費 : HK$44,640
入學要求 : An HND in a computing subject. The HND
Computing (Business IT) allows direct entry to
this programme. English ability equivalent to an
IELTS score of 5.5.
課程內容 : This programme will appeal to those who have
already been successful in studying computing
at a Higher Education level (by completing an
HND in computing, for example) and want to
learn about how information systems and the
internet can promote and support business. In
addition to looking at how the more traditional
information technologies can improve internal
business processes, you will learn about
emerging technologies and explore their
potential for business organisations
相關網址 : http://www.rdihongkong.com/landing_pages/tchi/Teesside_BSC_Business_Computing.html
查詢電郵 : info@rdihongkong.com
電話號碼 : +852 29920133
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